Mill Creek Community Schools

District Statistics

Demographic Rural
Total Students 1535
Primary Schools 1
Elementary Schools 2
Intermediate and Middle Schools 1
High Schools 1
High School Size(s)

Cascade – 496

Phase 1 - EXPLORE

Study Visits

A team from MCCSC attended a study visit to Akron Public Schools, Akron, OH, called Akron In Action from September 27-29, 2022.  The MCCSC team consisted of Stacey Monnnett (Asst Supt/Grant Lead), Brant Donovan (CHS Principal), JR Dugan (CHS Business Teacher), Ada Stucky (CMS Guidance Counselor), and Larry McCubbin (community stakeholder).  

During the visit, teams were allowed to visit two academies each and we divided up the group to ensure we could see as many different academy models as possible. A conference-like setting also provided several breakout sessions and role-alike opportunities for us to attend.  It allowed for many “Aha moments” with the entire team. Many team members went into the experience thinking small ideas for improvement and came away with grand scale transformation ideas to think through. That really got the ball rolling for MC.

What we learned from our visit:

  • Diploma AND…(credentials, certifications, skills)
  • Students walk away with a pathway, even if college is the plan. Employability skills are inclusive and applicable for ALL students.
  • Understand our need to expand/enhance our CCR programming: Inquiry-/Project-Based Learning
  • Necessity of Economic/Workforce data

On March 6-8, 2023, a team from MCCSC visited the Metro Nashville Public Schools, Nashville, TN, for the Academies of Nashville Study Visit.  Team representatives included: Stacey Monnett, (Assistant Superintendent/Grant Lead), Matt Miller (Director of College and Career Readiness), Kale Blickenstaff (Cascade Middle School Principal), Marcia Bright (Cascade High School Counselor), and Caleb Eldridge (Cascade High School Engineering and PLTW teacher). 

We visited the Academies of Nashville to better understand how the academy model works and hear from a district that has implemented this process for 15+ years. We were able to visit schools, hear from principals, district leaders, community partners, students, and more. We were able to attend sessions and hear from speakers that focused on their specific roles. One day was spent touring the many high schools within the district. The tours were focused on exploring their specific academies within each school district. We were also able to network with our Indiana Career Collaborative cohort schools.

School Visit

The Ford NGL team conducted their on-site school Explore visit  to Mill Creek Schools on January 24-26, 2023.  The Ford NGL coaches had conversations in all four school buildings with the staff, teachers, students, and parents. They also were able to meet with community partners, the school board and district personnel. Diverse perspectives and conversations were shared throughout the three day visit. The purpose of the visit was to find out the great things that are already happening within the district and areas in need of improvement. The key findings and recommendations were reported back in an Explore Report linked below.

Phase 2 - ENVISION

On May 18, 2023, Envision Day 1 was held at the MADE center in Plainfield.  A variety of stakeholders from the MCCSC community were involved in the process led by the Ford NGL coaches.  The stakeholder groups included students (17), parents (11), teachers (18), district administrators (8), businesses (8), and community partners/school board members (4).  The day was designed to draft a Vision statement and ideas for the Portrait of a Graduate.  Envision Day 2 will be held on August 31, where the vision statement draft will be refined as well as finalizing and narrowing down the current three drafts of the Profile of a Graduate into one document.