CIESC partners with Ford NGL

CIESC has partnered with Ford Next Generation Learning as the sole consultancy for the 3E grant.  Ford Next Generation Learning employs a community-connected approach to school transformation, making learning relevant and career focused.

Ford NGL takes a collaborative community-driven approach to achieve the following outcomes: (1) increased community prosperity shared by all; (2) a strengthened talent pipeline; (3) young people prepared for college, careers, lifelong learning, and leadership; (4) educational equity and justice for all; and (5) the capacity to contribute and go further.  Learn More

The 3E grant will provide funding to allow Ford NGL to collaborate with the school districts to take them through the first three phases of the Ford NGL roadmap which include:  Explore, Envision, and Plan.  

The Explore phase includes:  

  1. Understand the benefits and features of transforming the secondary school experience using the Ford NGL community-driven approach.
  2. Readiness and commitment to embrace the Ford NGL transformation.

The Envision phase includes:

  1. Deepen community-wide understanding of the benefits and features of transforming the secondary school experience using a community-driven approach.
  2. Understand and develop the systems, structures, processes, and leadership needed to implement the plan and guide continuous improvement.
  3. Deepen community-wide commitment to embrace the Ford NGL Model for transformation.

During this phase, the school district creates a graduate profile and a learner profile which include what the community wants and expects and what students want from their high school experience.

The Plan (Master Plan) phase includes:

  1. Achieve community-wide consensus on, and ownership of, a vision for transformation and learn what it will take to implement the vision.
  2. Create a community-wide three-year master plan for achieving the vision that is aligned with the school district’s plans.
  3. Agree on a set of priorities for the first year of implementation.
  4. Strengthen the systems, structures, processes, and competencies needed to implement the plan and guide continuous improvement.

The master plan is 

  • The journey to full implementation of transforming the district for college and career readiness. 
  • A guiding document that provides tasks, strategies, action steps, responsible person/persons, and resources.
  • The community-connected approach to achieving a high fidelity transformation.

After the Master Plan is created, the district moves into the Implementation Phase where they Implement the systems, structures, processes, and competencies to support and sustain continuous improvement with all key individuals and groups engaged. this is when the career academies fully take shape in the schools.